Is Trampoline Safe for Kids? (answered)

Trampolines have become increasingly popular among kids as a fun and engaging outdoor activity. They provide a platform for energetic jumping, flips, and acrobatic movements. However, as a parent, you may be concerned about the use of trampolines and wonder if they are safe for your children.

In this article, we will explore the safety of trampolines for kids, address concerns and precautions, discuss parental responsibilities, and provide guidelines to ensure a safe and enjoyable trampoline experience for your little ones.

safe trampoline group game

Table of Contents


Trampolines are recreational devices consisting of a strong fabric stretched over a metal frame, connected by coiled springs. They create a springy surface that allows individuals to bounce and perform various aerial skills. Trampolines have gained popularity as a source of entertainment and physical activity for kids, offering a range of benefits.

Unfortunately using a trampoline also carries an inherent level of risk because of the height created when bouncing. Many injuries occur because the user was unable to control the direction or speed of the jump.

This even happens to professional gymnasts and trampolinists too.

safe trampoline practice

Safety Concerns and Precautions

While trampolines offer numerous benefits, it’s crucial to prioritize safety to prevent accidents and injuries. Here are some safety concerns and precautions to consider:

Choosing the Right Trampoline

  1. Sturdy frame and construction: Opt for trampolines with robust frames and high-quality materials to ensure stability and durability.
  2. Enclosure netting and padding: Select trampolines that come with safety enclosures and adequate padding to minimize the risk of falls and injuries.
  3. Weight capacity and age appropriateness: Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines regarding weight limits and age recommendations to ensure safe usage.
  4. Quality of springs and jumping surface: Inspect the springs and jumping surface regularly for any signs of wear and tear, as these can affect the trampoline’s safety.

Check out this in-depth guide on how to choose the right outdoor trampoline for your family.

Setting Up and Maintaining a Safe Trampoline Environment

  1. Placement and positioning: Place the trampoline on a level surface away from trees, fences, or other structures to reduce the risk of collisions.
  2. Regular inspection and maintenance: Conduct routine inspections of the trampoline, checking for any damage or loose parts. Replace worn-out components promptly.
  3. Safety rules and guidelines: Establish clear safety rules for trampoline usage and ensure that all users, including children, understand and follow them.
  4. Adult supervision: Children should always be supervised by responsible adults when using the trampoline to minimize the risk of accidents.

Common Injuries and Prevention Measures

  1. Sprains, strains, and fractures: Teach children proper jumping techniques and warn them about the potential risks of reckless or uncontrolled movements.
  2. Head and spinal injuries: Prohibit somersaults and other high-risk skills that can lead to head or spinal injuries.
  3. Safety equipment: Ensure a safety net or enclosure is set up and pads cover the springs entirely.
  4. Proper jumping techniques and restrictions: Educate children on safe jumping techniques, such as jumping in the center of the trampoline and avoiding jumping off the trampoline onto other surfaces.

Parental Responsibilities and Guidelines

As a parent, it is essential to take on certain responsibilities and follow guidelines to ensure your child’s safety while using a trampoline.

Educating Children about Trampoline Safety

  1. Explain the rules and potential risks: Communicate the importance of following safety rules and inform your child about the potential dangers associated with improper trampoline use.
  2. Demonstrate safe jumping techniques: Show your child how to use the trampoline safely by demonstrating correct jumping techniques and emphasizing the importance of control and moderation.
  3. Encourage responsible behavior: Teach your child to respect the rules and guidelines of trampoline usage, emphasizing the importance of responsible behavior to prevent accidents.
  4. Learn trampoline games that are reasonably safe.

Supervising and Monitoring Trampoline Activities

  1. Active supervision and intervention: Supervise your child closely while they are using the trampoline, intervening if necessary to
  2. ensure their safety and adherence to the rules. 2. Limiting the number of users: Restrict the number of children using the trampoline at a time to prevent collisions and accidents.
  3. Setting time limits for jumping sessions: Establish appropriate time limits for trampoline usage to prevent overexertion and fatigue.
  4. Establishing age and skill restrictions: Determine age and skill restrictions based on your child’s abilities and maturity level, allowing them to progress gradually with new trampoline skills.

Benefits of Trampoline for Kids

So far in this article, we have only really focused on the safety risks however, there are many benefits that a trampoline can bring to your family so let’s look at those next!

Physical Benefits

  1. Improved balance and coordination: Jumping on a trampoline requires coordination of different muscle groups, which helps enhance balance and coordination skills in children.
  2. Enhanced cardiovascular health: Regular trampoline usage increases heart rate and improves cardiovascular fitness, contributing to a healthy heart and circulatory system.
  3. Increased muscle strength and flexibility: The repetitive bouncing motion strengthens muscles, particularly the legs, core, and back. It also promotes flexibility in various body parts.
  4. Bone development and density: The impact of landing on the trampoline stimulates bone growth and density, helping to prevent conditions like osteoporosis.
  5. Weight management: Jumping on a trampoline burns calories and can aid in weight management and the prevention of childhood obesity.

Mental Benefits

  1. Stress relief and improved mood: Jumping on a trampoline releases endorphins, which are natural mood enhancers that reduce stress and promote feelings of happiness.
  2. Increased focus and concentration: The rhythmic bouncing on a trampoline requires focus and concentration, which can help improve attention span and cognitive abilities.
  3. Boosted self-confidence and self-esteem: Learning new trampoline skills and mastering them can boost a child’s self-confidence and self-esteem, fostering a positive self-image.
  4. Opportunities for social interaction: Trampolines provide a fun and engaging environment for children to play together, fostering social interaction and the development of social skills. My kids are always in our neighbour’s backyard as they have a trampoline and we don’t!


Trampolines can be a fantastic source of fun and exercise for kids, offering a range of physical and mental benefits. So yes, trampoline is safe for kids however, it’s crucial to prioritize safety and take necessary precautions to prevent injuries. By choosing the right trampoline, creating a safe environment, and adhering to guidelines, parents can ensure their children have a safe and enjoyable trampoline experience.

Remember to always supervise trampoline activities, educate children about safety, and encourage responsible behavior. With proper care and precautions, trampolines can provide countless hours of entertainment and promote children’s overall well-being.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

  1. Is trampoline safe for kids of all ages? Trampolines are generally not recommended for toddlers due to their developing balance and coordination skills. It’s best to wait until they are older and more physically capable to use a trampoline safely.
  2. Can trampolines be used indoors? Yes, there are indoor trampolines designed specifically for home use. These rebounder trampolines are smaller in size and sometimes come with handles to minimize the risk of injuries.
  3. What are some alternatives to trampolines for kids? If you’re concerned about trampoline safety, there are alternative gymnastics equipment options that provide similar benefits, such as an air track. It’s bouncy but not as bouncy as a trampoline!
  4. Is it necessary to have an enclosure net for a trampoline? While not mandatory, an enclosure net is highly recommended for trampolines, especially when children are using them. The net helps prevent falls off the trampoline, reducing the risk of injuries.
  5. Are there any exercises or activities that can complement trampoline usage? Yes, there are several exercises and activities that can complement trampoline usage, such as stretching exercises, strength training, and balance exercises. These can help improve overall fitness and enhance the benefits of trampoline jumping.

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