Essential Gymnastics Bar Exercises (for beginners)

Gymnastics is a sport that requires strength, flexibility, and control, and the bar is one of the most important pieces of equipment used to train and perform various skills. Whether you’re a beginner just starting out or looking to improve your gymnastics skills, the following exercises will help you build the foundation you need to progress to more advanced techniques. In this article, we will cover five essential skills: squat on, single leg cut, kip, back hip circle, and pull up from hang.

Let’s get started!

Table of Contents

Squat on the bar

The squat on is a basic skill that requires you to jump onto the bar and hold your body weight with your arms. This exercise helps you build upper body strength and teaches you how to control your body as you balance on the bar. To perform the squat on, follow these steps:

  • Stand facing the bar with your arms extended above your head and your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Jump up and grab the bar with your palms facing away from your body.
  • Keep your arms straight and your body close to the bar as you pull yourself up and into a squat position.
  • Hold the squat position for a few seconds, then slowly release your grip and jump down.

Practice the squat on regularly to build your upper body strength and improve your ability to control your body on the bar.

Single leg cut

The single leg cut is a skill that requires you to swing your legs underneath the bar as you release your grip and jump back down. This exercise helps improve your overall body control and coordination. To perform the single leg cut, follow these steps:

  • Stand facing the bar with your arms extended above your head and your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Jump up and grab the bar with your palms facing away from your body.
  • Keep your arms straight and your body close to the bar as you pull yourself up and into a squat position.
  • Release one hand from the bar and swing your legs underneath the bar.
  • As you swing your legs, release your grip with the other hand and jump back down.

Practice the single leg cut regularly to improve your overall body control and coordination.


The kip is a skill that requires you to swing your legs back and forth as you move your body towards and away from the bar. This exercise helps you build momentum and improve your overall body control. To perform the kip, follow these steps:

  • Stand facing the bar with your arms extended above your head and your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Jump up and grab the bar with your palms facing away from your body. Try and hit a pike shape.
  • Swing under the bar in a Pike shape then glide into a more open pike shape by the end of the swing.
  • Lift your toes and legs towards the bar
  • As your legs come back down, use the momentum to lift and pull up and over the bar. Adjust your wrist position at the same time.
  • Hold yourself up in the support shape to finish.

Practice the kip regularly to build your momentum and improve your overall body control.

Back hip circle

The back hip circle is a skill that requires you to swing your hips around the bar in a circular motion. This exercise helps you build strength and flexibility in your hips and legs. To perform the back hip circle, follow these steps:

  • Start in the front support position
  • Pike your legs in front of you slightly then swing your legs backwards trying to clear your hips from the bar
  • As your legs come back down use the momentum to swing under the bar
  • Try to hit the candlestick position as your feet eventually point towards the ceiling and you are upside down
  • Keep pulling in towards the bar and keep the momentum going or you will not be able to get your legs over the bar
  • Finish back in the support position

Practice the support, pike and candlestick shapes regularly to master the back hip circle.

Pull up from hang

The pull up from hang is a skill that requires you to pull your body up towards the bar using only your upper body strength. This exercise helps build strength in your arms, shoulders, and back. To perform the pull up from hang, follow these steps:

  • Stand facing the bar with your arms extended above your head and your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Jump up and grab the bar with your palms facing away from your body.
  • Keep your arms straight and your body close to the bar as you pull yourself up and into a squat position.
  • Slowly release your grip and hang from the bar with your arms extended.
  • Begin pulling your body up towards the bar, using only your upper body strength.
  • Once your chin is above the bar, slowly lower yourself back down to a hang.

Regularly practice the pull up from hang to build strength in your arms, shoulders, and back.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, these five gymnastics bar exercises are essential skills for beginners looking to improve their gymnastics abilities. Regular practice of these exercises will help build strength, flexibility, and control, and set the foundation for more advanced techniques. As with any physical activity, it’s important to warm up and stretch before starting, and to practice under the supervision of a coach or trainer to ensure proper form and safety. If you are looking to buy a gymnastics bar for home training, I’ve reviewed my top 6 choices here.

Happy training!

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