How To Make Your Trampoline Last Longer

Having an outdoor trampoline can provide endless fun and entertainment for the whole family. However, it’s important to take proper care of your trampoline to ensure it lasts longer and remains safe to use. In this guide, we will explore various tips and maintenance practices that can help extend the lifespan of your outdoor trampoline.

Let’s get started!

trampoline wear and tear

Table of Contents

Importance of Maintaining an Outdoor Trampoline

Keeping your outdoor trampoline in good condition offers several benefits, both in terms of safety and cost savings. Most trampolines are fairly low maintenance, and even when a job does need doing it requires only a basic level of knowledge. So there’s no excuse for not properly maintaining your trampoline!

Safety Benefits

  1. Regular maintenance ensures that the trampoline is safe for users, reducing the risk of accidents and injuries.
  2. Well-maintained trampolines have fewer chances of structural failures or damage during use, providing peace of mind for both parents and children.

Cost Savings

  1. By taking care of your trampoline, you can avoid costly repairs or the need for premature replacement.
  2. Increased durability means fewer expenses on replacement parts or new trampolines, saving you money in the long run.
trampoline springs

Factors Affecting Trampoline Longevity

To understand how to make your outdoor trampoline last longer, it’s essential to consider the factors that can impact its lifespan.

Material Quality

  1. Opt for trampolines made from high-quality materials that are resistant to weathering and wear.
  2. Look for rust-resistant frames and durable jumping mats that can withstand frequent use.

Proper Installation and Placement

  1. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for installation to ensure the trampoline is set up correctly.
  2. Choose a suitable location that provides enough space and has a level surface to prevent unnecessary strain on the trampoline’s structure.

If you have the budget and space I would always recommend building a hole in the ground so you have an in-ground trampoline. As well as protecting the trampoline from the elements, it is much safer to use.

Regular Cleaning and Maintenance

  1. Clean the trampoline regularly to remove debris, leaves, and dirt that can accumulate and damage the trampoline.
  2. Check and tighten any loose bolts or screws to maintain the trampoline’s stability.

Tips to Extend the Lifespan of Your Outdoor Trampoline

Implementing a few simple practices can significantly increase the lifespan of your outdoor trampoline.

Covering and Protecting the Trampoline

  1. Use a weather-resistant trampoline cover to shield the trampoline from the elements when not in use.
  2. Covering the trampoline prevents UV damage, rust, and other weather-related deterioration.

Avoiding Overloading and Rough Play

  1. Establish rules for trampoline usage to prevent overloading and excessive strain on the trampoline’s components.
  2. Discourage rough play, multiple users beyond the trampoline’s capacity, or any activities that can cause unnecessary stress.

There are plenty of cool games that can be played on a trampoline that are safe and won’t damage it.

trampoline playing

Regular Inspections and Repairs

  1. Perform routine inspections to identify any signs of wear, tear, or damage on the trampoline frame, springs, and jumping mat.
  2. Promptly repair or replace any damaged or worn-out components to prevent further deterioration.

Storing the Trampoline During Winter

During the winter months, it’s important to take extra precautions to protect your outdoor trampoline from harsh weather conditions. Many people don’t take the time to winterize their outdoor trampoline which is unfortunate as it will significantly increase the lifespan of your trampoline.

Disassembly and Storage Tips

  1. If possible, disassemble the trampoline during winter and store it in a dry and secure location, such as a garage or shed.
  2. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for proper disassembly and storage to avoid any damage during the process.
  3. If a full disassembly is not possible, at least remove the safety net enclosure as this will cause the trampoline to blow over in strong winds.

Using Trampoline Covers

  1. If disassembly is not an option, use a high-quality trampoline cover specifically designed to withstand winter conditions.
  2. Add extra ballast to the legs and frame of the trampoline to keep it secure in winter conditions.
  3. Securely fasten the cover to protect the trampoline from snow, ice, and other winter elements.


By following these tips and maintenance practices, you can significantly prolong the lifespan of your outdoor trampoline. Regular cleaning, inspections, and repairs, along with proper storage during the winter, will ensure the safety and longevity of your trampoline for years to come.


Q: How often should I clean my outdoor trampoline?

A: It’s recommended to clean your trampoline at least once a month or more frequently if it’s exposed to heavy dirt or debris.

Q: Can I leave my trampoline outside during the winter?

A: While it’s not ideal, you can leave your trampoline outside during winter if you use a weather-resistant cover and follow proper maintenance practices.

Q: Is it necessary to tighten the bolts and screws regularly?

A: Yes, it’s important to regularly check and tighten any loose bolts or screws to maintain the stability and safety of your trampoline.

Q: Can I repair a torn jumping mat myself?

A: Depending on the extent of the damage, you may be able to repair a torn jumping mat with a patch kit provided by the manufacturer. However, significant damage may require a replacement.

Q: Are there any weight restrictions for trampoline usage?

A: Yes, every trampoline has a weight capacity specified by the manufacturer. It’s crucial to adhere to these restrictions to prevent damage to the trampoline and ensure user safety.

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